We have now received a large number of responses to our request for adviser input on the question of how your clients value the advice they receive. Thank you! If you completed this research we will send you our report on it shortly.
What do your clients think?
We are now expanding the scope of this study by asking clients their views. For this we need your help. Would you share this link with your clients? https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/H829K6T
We are asking the same of every UK financial adviser and the result will be an aggregated study of great value to the sector as a whole. Please note:-
· Client responses will be treated with absolute confidence
· We will not be asking for client’s names or contact details
· Responses will come in directly to us and we will not identify responses by adviser
We will create a report on responses on an aggregate basis across all the responses we receive and send you your copy, of course. So this is a national study looking at advised clients as whole.
To assist we have below a draft wording you may wish to use to send to your clients including the survey link.
Draft wording
Dear …..
We are taking part in a nationwide exercise to establish the value you see in the services you receive from your financial adviser. This is an entirely confidential exercise coordinated by an independent research company, Adviser Home Ltd. We will not see your individual responses but we will be very interested to learn from the results overall and if you would like a copy of this then just let me know.
The survey should take you just two or three minutes. Would you please complete it by ……….. (Allow five days from issue)
To take part click on this link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/H829K6T
Thanks for your help with this