Our clients, Blevins Franks, are seeking professional financial advisers to live in a choice of attractive Mediterranean locations and work with affluent expatriate clients.
If the idea of working abroad has appeal for you then here’s an outline of what’s involved:-
• There are over 2 million wealthy British expatriates living around the Mediterranean and requiring holistic wealth management along with tax planning advice particular to their location, this is unlikely to change following the Brexit referendum outcome
• These clients are committed to life on the continent and Blevins Franks are advising them – and others planning to move to the Mediterranean - on steps that may be necessary to ensure continued residency
• With Blevins Franks you would have access to the best possible technical support – particularly around tax matters – along with practical marketing assistance
• Blevins Franks have offices in France, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Malta
• Professional financial advisers are sought- with at least Level 4 or equivalent qualification- to work from one of these locations
• Blevins Franks is the leading international tax and wealth adviser to retired expatriates and has been providing cross border tax advice for over 40 years
If some of this sparks an interest then it may well be worth a conversation – so call Frank Alvino on 0207 389 5220 or, if you prefer, email on [email protected]