Not all VCTs are created equal
Fundamentally, all Venture Capital Trusts invest in early-stage companies with high growth potential.
But look a little closer and there are points of difference which can really help to diversify a client’s exposure to early-stage companies.
Take Octopus Apollo VCT, for example.
Apollo could be a good way to mitigate income tax for your clients, as well as be a portfolio diversifier.
Here’s why…
Apollo invests in smaller businesses that have already brought their product or service to market successfully and are seeking capital to accelerate their growth. It also focuses on a B2B software companies which benefit from long term contracted revenues. This investment strategy is different to any other VCT the market.
Investors get access to a diversified portfolio of around 45 B2B software companies with high growth potential.
In the 12 months to 31 July 2024 - Five-year total return: 42.4%1 Top quartile performing fund2
Early bird discount – if clients want to invest this tax year, they can make the most of the 1% early bird. Applications and cleared funds received by 5pm on Friday 31 January 2025 will qualify for a 1% early bird discount.
Find out more and apply online
Apollo VCT performance, year to 31 July:

Key risks to keep in mind:
- This is a high-risk investment. The value of an investment in Octopus Apollo VCT, and any income from it, can fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the full amount they invest.
- Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may change in the future.
- Tax reliefs depend on the VCT maintaining its VCT-qualifying status.
- VCT shares are by their nature high risk, their share price may be volatile and they may be hard to sell.
- Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Dividends are not guaranteed.
1 The annual total return for Octopus Apollo VCT is calculated from the movement in NAV over the period to period end, with any dividends paid over the period then added back. The NAV is the combined value of all the assets owned by the VCT after deducting the value of its liabilities The revised figure is divided by the NAV at the start of the period to get the annual total return. Performance shown is net of all ongoing fees and costs. This assumes upfront fees have already been taken from the initial investment value and the investment was held for one year up until 31 July. It does not include any upfront income tax relief claimed by the investor
2By net asset value (NAV) total return in the VCT Generalist Sector, over 3 and 5 years, The Association of Investment Companies, 31 July 2024.
VCT investments are not suitable for everyone. Any recommendation should be based on a holistic review of your client's financial situation, objectives and needs. This communication does not constitute advice on investments, legal matters, taxation or any other matters. This document is an advertisement and not a prospectus. Any decision to invest should only be made on the basis of the information contained in the prospectus, supplementary prospectus, AIFMD supplement and the Key Information Document (KID) available at CAM014683.